Passive Information Gathering

Website Recon && Foot printing techniques

  1. Resolving Web IP ADDRESS

  1. Personal Information Recon

  1. Robots.txt & sitemap.xml

  1. Browser Extensions & CLI Utilities

  1. Downloading the website Source code for Analyzing
    • We can download the websites source code for analyzing it by using a tool called HTTtrack
    • This will download the entire website and we can go through the source and can analyze it so that we might have chance to discover any potential vulnerabilities

Whois Enumeration

Website Recon and Footprinting using Netcraft


WAF with WAFw00f

Subdomain Enumeration with Sublist3r

Google Dorking / Hacking

Email Harvesting with theHarvester

theHarvester Tool: Overview and Usage

theHarvester is an open-source intelligence (OSINT) tool designed to gather information about domains and emails from various public sources. This tool is commonly used in cybersecurity for reconnaissance to gather emails, subdomains, IPs, URLs, and names from different public data sources.

Features and Capabilities of theHarvester

  1. Email Harvesting: theHarvester can gather email addresses associated with a domain from various public sources.
  2. Subdomain Enumeration: It can identify subdomains related to a primary domain.
  3. IP Address Information: theHarvester can retrieve IP addresses associated with a domain.
  4. Employee Names: It can find employee names associated with a company.
  5. Public Source Integration: theHarvester integrates with multiple data sources like search engines, PGP key servers, and more.

Examples and Syntaxes

Basic Syntax

The general syntax for using theHarvester is:

theHarvester -d <domain> -b <source>

Example 1: Email Harvesting

To gather email addresses associated with a domain using Google as the source:

theHarvester -d -b google

Example 2: Subdomain Enumeration

To find subdomains using Bing as the source:

theHarvester -d -b bing

Example 3: Using Multiple Sources

To use multiple sources, list them separated by commas. Here, using Google and Bing:

theHarvester -d -b google,bing

Example 4: IP Address Information

To retrieve IP addresses related to the domain:

theHarvester -d -b google

Example 5: Employee Names

To gather employee names from LinkedIn (note that this might require additional configuration due to LinkedIn's access restrictions):

theHarvester -d -b linkedin

Example 6: All Available Data Sources

To use all available data sources for maximum information:

theHarvester -d -b all

Example 7: Output to a File

To save the output to a file for later analysis:

theHarvester -d -b all -f results.txt

Common Data Sources Supported by theHarvester

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