SMB-Enumeration Lab

Step 1: Initial Nmap Scan to Identify Open Ports

Step 2: SMB Protocol Enumeration

Step 3: SMB Security Mode Enumeration

Step 4: Enumerate SMB Sessions (Without Credentials)

Step 5: Enumerate SMB Sessions (With Credentials)

Step 6: Enumerate SMB Shares (Without Credentials)

Step 7: Enumerate SMB Shares (With Credentials)

Step 8: Enumerate SMB Users

Step 9: Get SMB Server Statistics

Step 10: Enumerate SMB Domains

Step 11: Enumerate SMB Groups

| Builtin\Administrators (RID: 544): Administrator, bob
| Builtin\Users (RID: 545): bob
| Builtin\Guests (RID: 546): Guest

- **Key Observations**:
- Users **Administrator** and **bob** are part of the **Administrators** group.
- **Why It’s Important**: Knowing which users have administrative privileges helps prioritize targets. If 'bob' has Administrator rights, compromising this account can lead to full control.
- **Next Step**: Attempt to crack or guess the passwords for these accounts. Escalate privileges using compromised credentials.


### **Step 12: List Files on SMB Shares**
- **Command**:
nmap -p445 --script smb-ls --script-args smbusername=administrator,smbpassword=smbserver_771 demo.ine.local

Practical Use in eJPTv2 Exam

For the eJPTv2 exam, this step-by-step guide can be followed during an SMB enumeration task: